Participation in Erasmus Intensive Program
The School of Regional Planning and Development of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki participates in the Erasmus Intensive Program “Adapting to the times of crisis: an advanced course on socially sustainable degrowth”. The program is funded by the EU Erasmus action (

The coordinator of the program is Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona, and the other 7 partners of the program are: University of Kassel: Organic Agricultural Sciences, Telecom School of Management, Universitá Di Pisa, Grenoble School of Management, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Masaryk University, Vienna University of Economic and Business

One of the main actions of the program is the organizing of a summer school that will be held close to the campus of Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona from July 4-21, 2014. It is organized and coordinated by ICTA ( and Research and Degrowth (

The School of Regional Planning and Development participates at the summer school with Dr. Giorgos Gritzas (Lecturer) and 4 students.

For more information


Website for more info about student/staff mobility: European Educational Programmes Department


  • Secretariat of School of Planning and Development A.U.Th
    Main Building (1st floor), Faculty o Engineering A. U.Th., 
  • +30 2310 991430